It’s time to update the Lakeland Shepherds’ Guide
You may have heard that the Federation of Cumbria Commoners has received a Farming in Protected Landscapes Grant from the Lake District National Park to update the Lakeland Shepherds’ Guide, as its nearly 20 years since the last edition.
We are creating a new webiste
Our grant covers more than updating the hardback copy of the Shepherds’ Guide. For the first time we will create an accompanying website with a section for updating the Guide, so it doesn’t get out-of-date. The whole point of the website is to celebrate Lakeland fell farming and we want it to be the first point of call for the public to find out what we do.
We are researching into ways fell farming has changed
There is little information on how fell farming has changed in the Lake District over the last 40 years and how fell farmers’ see the future. We aim to fill this gap. The results of our research will be published in a number of ways so that politicians, conservation agencies, water companies and the wider public can better understand farmers’ perspective and the contribution fell farming makes to the Lake District and beyond.
Come to our planning meeting
We are keen for Lake District fell farmers to get involved in all aspects of this project. We are holding a Planning Meeting on Monday 28th November from 7.00 pm at Mitchells Auction Mart, Cockermouth when we will explain more.
There will be a Pie and Peas supper and booking essential if you want your dinner!
Please Text “Shepherds Guide Meeting” and include your Name to 07748185049 or e-mail by November 23rd