Dartmoor Independent Review

Dartmoor Independent Review

Background: many Dartmoor HLS commons agreements ended in 2023 In early 2023 Natural England (NE) notified Dartmoor commoners and their Associations that NE could not recommend extensions to most of these agreements unless the commoners agreed to make significant...
Winter Newsletter out now

Winter Newsletter out now

We are pleased to be circulating our winter newsletter Inside this issue View from our Chairman P 1 Behind the scenes P 2 Updating the Lakeland Shepherds’ Guide P 3 Changes to Countryside Stewardship and ELM P 4-5 ELM options condemn commoners to producing...
Slim pickings in support for hill farmers from Defra

Slim pickings in support for hill farmers from Defra

Hill farmers left out again Last week Farming Minister, Mark Spencer announced a rise in Environmental Land Management payments, saying it would attract more farmers to sign up. It seems an odd way to attract hill farmers as there is almost nothing in his announcement...
Summer/ autumn newlettter is published

Summer/ autumn newlettter is published

With apologies for a slight delay, we are pleased to be circulating our late summer newsletter. Inside this issue: Updating the Lakeland Shepherds’ Guide p 2 SFI Moorland and Road Testing p3 – 5 HLS 5-year extensions p 6 –7 Carbon on commons p 8-12 Findings from...
Sustainable Farming Incentive not on track

Sustainable Farming Incentive not on track

Commons get left behind as usual At end of June, Defra announced parts of the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Scheme were open for applications. As it turns out, the only scheme relevant to moorland commons, SFI Moorland is not yet available for commons.  If...