Over sixty people turned up to our planning meting to to update the Lakeland Shepherds’ Guide, as its nearly 20 years since the last edition.

The tradition continues

At the meeting fell farmers volunteered to be area collectors and update the information in the previous Guide published in 2005.  Many were the same as 20 years ago, while some passed the job down to their sons and daughters and some new faces emerged.

We are researching into ways fell farming has changed

There is little information on how fell farming has changed in the Lake District over the last 40 years and how fell farmers’ see the future. We aim to fill this gap. Jennifer Dodsworth, our researcher will be working with fell farming families to explore these changes and what is needed now so fell farmers can survive and thrive into the future.

If you’d like to get involved, please get in touch with  viv@cumbriacommoners.org.uk